Here we go! It’s The Raising a Ruckus Podcast … the joint all about rule-breakers, change-makers, and risk-takers — and the leaps of faith, sleepless nights, disasters, and big decisions they made along the way. Welcome to the show!

When you’re just starting out, the prevailing and conventional wisdom is that you can do just about anything for a year. You know, paying your dues, learning the ropes, and all that jazz. But that kind of advice isn’t exactly for the unconventional types, now is it?

Sometimes, it’s more like, “when you know, you know… “

That’s pretty much how Maddy Ebbert saw it. After college, she bagged on a new job just a few weeks into it.  Yeah, her parents were thrilled. (We probably should have asked if she’d even found the bathroom or the printer in such a short time.)

Anyways, Maddy sold most of her stuff, and set out to be really creative. And find a way to get paid to do it.

So, how’s all that working out? Maddy Ebbert gets into it with us on this episode of The Raising a Ruckus Podcast.



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Maddy Ebert's Website-----Well-Run Media WebsiteMistry Projects Website