Here we go! It’s time for The Raising a Ruckus Podcast; the show all about rule-breakers, change-makers, and risk-takers — and the leaps of faith, sleepless nights,disasters, and big decisions they made along the way. Welcome to the show!There’s probably not a one of us who hasn’t thought about taking a leap, doingsomething completely different, or getting a second chance altogether. No matter howgood you’ve got it, there’s always that, “what if,” feeling that lingers somewhere. Like anitch that needs a scratch.The older we get, the tougher it gets to reach that itchy part, too.Chris Gere is one of those folks who scratched that itch like a dog with fleas. With a wifeand kids, a mortgage, and a grown-up job that paid the bills, Chris up and quit his “real”job to pursue a calling to create music. But not without a plan, y’all. He did the moneymath and figured he’d could afford a year to make it work.We caught up with him pretty close to the end of that year. So, how’d it go?Chris Gere cuts it real on this episode of The Raising a Ruckus Podcast…Cheers!------Well-Run Media WebsiteMistry Projects Website