Here we go! It’s The Raising a Ruckus Podcast … the joint all about rule-breakers, change-makers, and risk-takers — and the leaps of faith, sleepless nights, disasters, and big decisions they made along the way. Welcome to the show!

Let’s get this out of the way from the jump: Lillian Richards is one of the kindest, loveliest souls you’re ever gonna meet. And, she’s one heck of a creative cat, too. Although, we’re pretty sure she’s more of a “dog person,” though.

Regardless, Lillian is a creator, a Creative Mornings regular, and an artist that describes her style as, “cattywampus.” Quite frankly, we’re not exactly sure what that means – but we totally dig it. She sees what she sees, and she lets the work speak to her in its own time. It’s a level of creative patience we’re totally unfamiliar with.

And talk about making the lemonade out of the lemons. Lillian drops a little backstory on us that’s helped provide her with the time to explore her art even further. You go, lady! We’d love for you to meet our friend, Lillian Richards, on this episode of the Raising a Ruckus Podcast!



Lillian Richards on Instagram

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