Here we go! It’s time for The Raising a Ruckus Podcast; the show all about rule-breakers, change-makers, and risk-takers — and the leaps of faith, sleepless nights, disasters, and big decisions they made along the way. Welcome to the show!Shakespeare wrote, “some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them.”
That doesn’t exactly translate to business, but it’s a rather appropriate setup for our friend and guest, Alyssa Pressler.
We actually go waaaayy back with Alyssa; well before she launched not one but TWO successful small business, and a podcast. All that from someone who never really expected to take the entrepreneurial ride.She’s got a passion for words and books, you might say. (Haha!) And turning them into a business hasn’t curbed her enthusiasm, either.Let’s get into it on this episode of The Raising a Ruckus Podcast…-----Alyssa Pressler on LinkedInAlyssa Pressler on InstagramMoonshotThat's Novel Books-----Well-Run Media WebsiteMistry Projects Website